Advanced Massage Therapy
Quality Continuing Education for Licensed Massage Therapists
Specializing in On-Site Continuing Education classes
for Massage Therapy Establishments, Spas and other locations
Specializing in On-Site Continuing Education classes
for Massage Therapy Establishments, Spas and other locations
You can now schedule the class of your choice at your location for your LMTs. Below you will find a list of the 12 classes available as well as the course description of each class. If you'd like to host a class but are not a massage establishment, please give me a call and I can explain how to do that.
Some advantages of having classes at your location include the opportunity to train multiple therapists in a style or technique simultaneously and keeping them in house. It is convenient for the therapists, eliminating travel time and expense.
Each class is 6 CEUs, so only two classes are needed in order to renew their license. Classes can be scheduled to accomodate the schedule of the establishment.
Over the years, I have taught over 500 classes with 2,800+ students in attendance. To host a class, you only need a room large enough for the therapists to view the demonstration (a couples room is usually large enough) and rooms for them to pair up for the practice time when I will be coaching them on the techniques.
The cost is $85 per therapist with a preferred minimum of 6 therapists. For fewer than 6 therapists please give me a call to discuss possible options. For 6 or more therapists, the cost is a flat rate of $500. The cost may be paid by the establishment or by the students. A travel charge may be applied for those locations more than an hour from Bedford, which is my home base.
Please call or email if you have questions or would like to discuss scheduling a class.
Complete Course List and Descriptions
Continuous Flow Massage 6 CEUs
The Continuous Flow Massage is based on Esalen style massage and has been developed over 20 years of training and experience. It’s the most relaxing, nurturing massage your clients will ever experience. The long, integrated, three-dimensional, full-body strokes and rocking motion encourage the body to relax without forcing it, meaning less stress on your body. You will observe a full-body massage plus receive hands-on experience.
Hot Stone Massage 6 CEUs
Learn how to safely provide a hot stone massage for your clients. We will discuss contraindications, stone techniques and supplies you will need to do a hot stone massage. You will have the opportunity to observe a full-body massage on a model and then have the opportunity to practice a hot stone massage with coaching from the instructor.
Incorporating Stretching into Your Massage 6 CEUs
Learn to incorporate stretching into the flow of your massage in this hands-on class. You will observe a full-body demonstration including stretches for the legs including hamstrings, quads and Achilles; hips and low back; shoulders and neck; and arms and hands. After the demonstration, you will practice what you have learned with coaching from the instructor.
Lomi Lomi 6 CEUs
Learn the ancient style and history of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage. We will explore the footwork and technique as well as how to incorporate the style into your practice. The demonstration will include the continuous flow connecting strokes on the back of the body, the front of the body, as well as the wave. In the afternoon, the students will have opportunity for practice with observation and coaching by the instructor.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage 6 CEUs
We will discuss the anatomy of the lymphatic system, the nodes and drainage patterns and the indications and contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage. Some techniques are also included to perform lymphatic drainage on yourself. You will see a demonstration as well as have the opportunity for practice with observation and coaching by the instructor.
Massage for Fibromyalgia 6 CEUs
We will discuss some theories of the cause of Fibromyalgia as well as the most common symptoms. You will learn tender point assessment and observe massage techniques to aid headaches, sleep and pain. You will also have an opportunity to practice the techniques with a partner while receiving coaching from the instructor.
Massage for Common Injuries 6 CEUs
Learn how to work on the most common injuries including ankle sprain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, hamstring strain, patellar tendonitis, ITB syndrome, neck pain, back pain, tennis elbow and rotator cuff. You will observe a demonstration of massage techniques designed to aid in speeding recovery from these injuries and then have an opportunity to practice the techniques with a partner.
Mastering Pregnancy Massage 6 CEUs
Includes all the techniques you need to become a skilled pregnancy massage practitioner. Learn proper client intake, the benefits and contraindications, and proper draping. You will observe and practice side-position massage, semi-reclining position and supine position massage. Also included are back pain techniques, techniques for sciatica and much more.
Myofascial Release I (Beginning) 6 CEUs
Learn to free restrictions, increase range of motion and speed healing for your clients. Includes basic anatomy & physiology of fascia; how to perform myofascial release; skin rolling and evaluation; cross handed stretches and more. Very easily integrated into your current treatment with your clients. After a brief presentation and a full-body demonstration you will work with a partner to practice the techniques with coaching from the instructor.
Myofascial Release II (Advanced) 6 CEUs
Learn to evaluate postural distortions and balance the body. Helpful with back, hip and neck pain. Includes postural analysis, leveling the hips, freeing the back, releasing the shoulder, and loosening the neck. Students will watch a demonstration of the techniques on a model and then have an opportunity to practice with coaching from the instructor. Students need to have some knowledge of myofascial release techniques to attend this class.
Painless Deep Tissue Massage 6 CEUs
Learn deep tissue massage techniques which will enable you to work without pain to your client and with less stress on your body. Emphasis on body mechanics and use of your body to provide deeper pressure without injuries. Some stretching, trigger point and compression techniques are also included. After a full-body demonstration you will have opportunity to practice with coaching from the instructor.
Sports Massage 6 CEUs
Learn the basics of sports massage, often called performance massage, including pre-event, inter-event and post-event techniques. Presentation will include information on preparation for the event, basic sports massage strokes, muscle groups indicated for specific athletes and how to deal with cramps. Students will observe the demonstrations and then have opportunity to practice the techniques.