Advanced Massage Therapy
Quality Continuing Education for Licensed Massage Therapists
Steve Cartlidge
Steve has more than 30 years successful sales and marketing experience in a variety of fields.
Licensed Massage Therapist since 1997
Licensed Massage Therapy Instructor since 2001
Continuing Education Provider since 2009.
With over 27 years experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist and over 23 years as a Massage Therapy Instructor with the Texas Department of State Health Services and TDLR, Steve is well qualified to present a wide variety of continuing education classes for massage therapists. Since 2009, over 1,000 Licensed Massage Therapists have attended over 500 continuing education classes representing more than 2,800 students in the classes. All of the classes are hands-on to help therapists learn new techniques and styles to enhance their ability to help and retain their clients. Classes may be scheduled on-site at massage therapy establishments or other locations wanting to host a class. For a complete class list as well as the course descriptions, please refer to the "ON-SITE CE CLASSES" tab of this website.